Hi, I'm Hyunsang(or Harry) Cho

CS + DS @ UC Berkeley

I'm a rising junior at UC Berkeley, deeply drawn to the world of AI/ML. I thrive on exploring AI theories and translating them into applications that enhance daily life. I see every challenge as a chance to grow, and my goal is to create tools that truly serve people. As I move forward, I'm committed to personal and professional development.


Housing Assessment Regression Model

Developed a multiple regression model to predict the sale price of a house based on housing features. Feature engineered data from the Cook County's Assessor's Office. Designed a data pipeline to modularize training.

  • Python
  • Pandas
  • Regex

Scheme Interpreter

Created an interpreter for a subset of the Scheme programming language

  • Python
  • Scheme

NGordNet(NGrams & Wordnet)

Implemented backend API that mimics Google’s NGram Viewer. Used graph searching algorithms such as BFS to process the data.

  • Java
  • Data Structures

A* Algorithm Visualizer

Implemented the A* pathfinding alorithm in Python to efficiently determine the shortest path between nodes. Utilized the Pygame library to create an interactive visualization.

  • Python
  • AI Algorithm
  • Data Structures


Created an engine for 2D tile-based world in which a player can explore. Used tile renderer to display the world; Pseudo-randomly generated the walls, hallways, and rooms.

  • Java
  • Data Structures
  • User Interface

Gale-Shapley Algorithm

Implemented the Gale-Shapley algorithm in Java to solve the Stable Matching problem

  • Java
  • Data Structures

Professional Experience

Academic Intern

UC Berkeley College of Computing Data Science and Society

Help lead weekly lab sections with 30+ students for UC Berkeley's introductory data science course that covers fundamental programming, statistical inference, and prediction.

  • ML
  • Python



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